How To Start and License a Food Truck in Florida For Free
Top Questions: Do I buy a truck or a trailer? Do I wrap it? What do I have to do first? Do I need a commissary? What should I name the food truck I'm starting? How much money do I need to startup a food truck in Florida? Should my name be in my food truck name? Should my face be on the side of my food truck? Should I have something for everyone on my food truck?
We've been fielding these questions for more than a decade. But today, it's harder than ever to find accurate information about licensing a food truck or trailer in the state of Florida. That's why we've decided to no longer charge for this class and content. We feel it's better for the industry if we share this information as far and wide as possible. We want to ensure that best practices are being adhered to while people don't get caught up on licensing and permits they don't need.
Opening a food truck in Florida is a big undertaking. It's not as difficult as some states, it's gotten a little better since we got started in 2011. There's no longer a requirement for a commissary for instance. Many times someone starting a truck says, I signed a 12 month agreement with a commissary that costs me $500 a month, you mean I didn't need that? No, you didn't. You needed a place to legally obtain potable water and dispose of your gray water. That doesn't have to be done at a commissary. There are many examples like this, where if you don't know who to ask or you ask someone who has information that's not up to date, you can spend oodles of money and time on things that weren't needed.
Learn how to start your very own business in just 4 hours! Whether you've already started a food truck or are just in the planning stages, we can help you begin generating business and meet your income goals.
Videos to stream the seminar online for free are coming soon!
Our How to Start a Food Truck Seminar is set up to inform and educate regarding what it takes to start and run a food truck, what regulations typically exist, and how to position yourself for success once you're up and running. Important topics covered range from how to insure your food truck appropriately, how to brand your food truck, how to market your food truck, what to look for when purchasing a food truck or trailer, and more.
We also offer the seminar online (take it right now!), so you have the option to take it from anywhere in the world! Don't worry, we will still be here to answer any questions you may have afterwards.
Questions? Give us a call 813-802-9119