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Tampa Bay Food Trucks

Social Media for Food Trucks: Part I

Hello Food Truckers! We appreciate how tough it can be to successfully manage your business' social media presence on top of everything else, but we also know utilizing social is a key component of your truck's marketing strategy and subsequently, your business' success. To assist you, we have put together a 5 part series filled with tips, tricks and advice to ensure you are making the most of your social media accounts.

Look to create a new entry once a day or so and make sure to post your weekly locations! Up first are some highlights and things to keep in mind when getting set up on social:

Part I - Set Up

  • Ensure the page you have set up for your truck on Facebook is in fact a business page and not a personal profile. (Facebook will often delete businesses masquerading as people because they have the ability to solicit fellow users in a way business pages do not.

  • Keep your social media accounts professional and focused on promoting your business. Refrain from rants, politics, or anything other than promoting the positive aspects of your business and attracting more customers.

  • Fill out the profile and about sections on your social media accounts. Your website, contact information and menu should all be up to date and easily accessible to customers.(Also please regularly update your menu with TBFTR on our site! If you need you link, please e-mail!! It is very important that these are kept current.)

  • Publicize whether you accept cash only, or credit and debit cards! This helps customers prepare to attend an event and eat at your food truck.

  • Share your story, and don't be afraid to display some personality within your content. Food trucks are mostly small businesses, and fans appreciate a way to connect with you – if you have some fun facts or a story to share, let everyone know who you are, what you do and why!

Check back next week for our tips and tricks on posting! Have any questions? Comments? A specific topic you would like to see addressed? E-mail

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